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MC4DD: TU Darmstadt successfully obtains new EU-funds for doctoral network dedicated to drug discovery

PRODXIDRUGS project leader Felix Hausch at TU Darmstadt is coordinating a newly established doctoral network, which is funded by the European Union within the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) framework. The network is called MC4DD, Macrocycles for Drug Discovery, and includes eight universities and five industry partners, who have joined forces to advance the science of macrocycles as drugs (find out more here) and train the next generation of early-career scientists in cross-site, interdisciplinary research projects. It will award more than € 3.3 million across 17 doctoral positions, which are expected to start between November 2024 and May 2025. Several PROXIDRUGS partners are part of the MC4DD consortium.


This presents a stellar opportunity for aspiring researchers interested in medicinal chemistry and drug development. Macrocycles hold high promises as next-generation drug modalities, especially for challenging targets. Discoveries within MC4DD will also be of great benefit to PROXIDRUGS, as macrocycles may be utilized in PROTAC development.


Doctoral candidates can still apply until the 31st of August 2024 – more information can be found here.


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