In a press release issued by Fraunhofer Society, the PROXIDRUGS consortium is introduced to the broad public. PROXIDRUGS project leader Aimo Kannt, Head of Drug Discovery and Preclinical Research at Fraunhofer ITMP in Frankfurt, presented PROXIDRUGS within the Fraunhofer Research News as a new class of drugs opening promising possibilities in the fight against a broad spectrum of currently incurable diseases.
As described in the news item, Fraunhofer ITMP is working with other partners to develop assays to identify novel proxidrugs components against the various target proteins. In parallel, Kannt is also establishing a cross-institute platform for the development of
proxidrugs within the framework of the Fraunhofer Cluster of Excellence Immune-Mediated Diseases CIMD. This platform will cover the entire value chain from drug discovery to preclinical tests.